Principal's Message

Principal’s Pledge ----- Vision & Mission

Our society is constantly changing.  A school into the 21st century must face changes in political, economic, social, demographic and cultural aspects of the society, information technology development, globalization, knowledge-based society and post-modernity. Schools need to have good management to face these changes and to ensure the adaptation of the students to such environment.

My visions are:

  1. School should have quality management and a team of highly professional staff working with all stakeholders to provide a quality environment for student development.
  2. All students should: 
    • Enjoy learning, be effective in communication (bi-literate & tri-lingual), be creative, and have sense of commitment [樂善勇敢];
    • Have all-round development (excellence in all areas covering ethics, intellect, physique, social skills, aesthetics and spirituality) [全人發展 ];
    • Be capable of life-long learning [終身學習];
    • Make contributions to the society, our country and the World. [ sense of responsibility for our country and  sense of responsibility for the World ----- 懷抱天下];
    • Be developed as leaders. 

In summary, my vision is to attain good quality in 10 aspects under two domains of school management and student development.  My mission is to accomplish these visions:

School Management Student Development
  1. Quality Management
  2. Quality Staff
  3. Quality Partnership with Stakeholders
  4. Quality Environment
  1. Quality all-round education
  2. Quality life-long learners
  3. Quality citizens
  4. Quality national citizens
  5. Quality international citizens
  6. Quality leaders

The English Slogan of the Vision is : Aiming at 10 Q’s

Ip Tin Yau